A Tribute to My Father Vytautas Skuodis

"Never bend your head.
Always hold it high.
Look the world straight in the eye."

-Helen Keller

The journal and the collection of links is a tribute to my father Vytautas Skuodis. Most postings will lead you to the articles about his life's work or events in some way related to his causes - freedom of conscience and freedom of his beloved motherland LITHUANIA.

My father had suffered a severe heart attack in 2008 and never fully recovered, yet continued writing and publishing articles and books relevant to the modern culture and history. He had died one day before his latest book had to be introduced to the public. Thanks to people like Vytautas Benedict Skuodis the dream of FREEDOM will never die.

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Friday, December 9, 2016

How Could it Have Happen?

Lietuvos piliečiai kurie apvogėte mano velionį tevą,

Prašau tučtuojau atrasti ir grąžinti pavogtą mano velionio tėvo Vytauto Skuodžio auksinį sutuoktuvinį žiedą . Jį kažkas pasisavino tarp to momento kai jis buvo išvežtas į ligoninę su greitąja pagalba, ir kai buvo pašarvotas laidotuvių namuose, tarp Lapkričio 10-sios ir Gruodžio 9 d.
Kažkas neatsispyrė aukso spindesiui ir užtraukė šešėlį visai įstaigai, kurioje dirba. Tikiuosi, kad medicininių įstaigų ir laidojimo namų administratoriai ir Lietuvos valdžios atstovai imsis priemonių šį pasibaisėtinai gėdingą incidentą atitaisyti, bent pasiteiraudama dviejose ligoninėse, arba laidojimo namuose kas buvo už tai atsakingas. Tėvas NIEKADA savo sutuoktuvinio žiedo nenusiėmė, tai garantija. į ligoninę greitoji paėmė jį su žiedu and piršto.

Prašau grąžinti mano tėvo vestuvinį žiedą (o ne kokį nors pakaitalą )  Vytauto Skuodžio anūkams kuo greičiau.

Ar per mažai dar mano tėvas pasiaukojo, kad gyventumėt laisvi ir turtėtumėt dorai? Ar tikrai reikėjo apvogti bejėgį paralyžuotą mirštantį ligonį kai jo likusi šeima ir taip sugniuždyta? Taip pasisavintas tas žiedas jums laimės neatneš.


Citizens of Lithuania who robbed my late father,

I do request to immediately return my father Vytautas Skuodis' golden wedding band that was removed from his finger some time between when he was taken by the ambulance to the emergency room on November 10, and the funeral home on December 7 or 8.

You leave me no choice but to publicize this atrocious incident world-wide in the light of what my father had sacrificed so you all could freely enrich yourselves in some honest ways.

Either in the hospital, or the nursing home,  or the funeral home my father's golden wedding band  was stolen off of his finger between November 10 and December 7 or 8. Someone could not resist the shiny object and thus cast a shadow onto the organization that employs the thief. I am sure it is possible to track down those few individuals who had handled my father when he was ill and then diseased.

I expect the administration of the medical facilities and the funeral home, also some government  authorities of Lithuania to help to rectify this shameless incident, and take some measures to find out who was responsible for such theft, at least for the sake of other families not to be so humiliated at the most vulnerable time of their lives.

The ring (not some kind of a substitute) has to be immediately returned to Vytautas Skuodis' grandchildren. The band acquired in such indecent way will not bring good fortune to the thief.

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